Legal At Law Service
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When the going gets tough, consult a lawyer!
As ugly as it gets, legal separation or divorce leads to several subsequent issues that need to be resolved. For couples having children, one of these resulting issues is that of child custody. If you hire one of the best attorneys at law at Landry and Azevedo, they will assist your difficult decision by helping you negotiate a cooperative child custody deal with the separating parent.
Parents going through a separation or divorce need to make a lot of negotiations when it comes to the custody of their child. If this is a fresh occurrence, you might need a new child custody agreement to be drafted, which the law firm can easily provide for you. It is also possible that you might have an existing agreement in place and just need some important changes made. In either scenario, the Landry and Azevedo attorneys at law have sufficient legal knowledge for your particular jurisdiction. Since they have been handling clients facing family law scenarios for years, their experience makes them even more proficient.
They help you chalk out a workable parenting plan that has specifically outlined which parent would get to visit the children, and when. Whether you need physical custody, or legal custody, related to decisions about their education and welfare you can depend on Landry and Azevedo for the best services in Tennessee. The law firm sets itself apart in the quality of attorneys at law it has available for you. They provide the best possible agreements in accordance with the statutory requirements applicable to your specific case. In some cases, it is in the best interest of the child that his or her custody be handed over to a living grandparent. Within your given limitations, the child custody lawyers at our law firm can find the best possible bargain for you.